Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
- (Mark Twain and me)
It was originally proposed so that people become environmental friendly by considering driving together and reducing no.of vehicles on road.
Ofcourse there should be a perk to lure people, which is carpools lanes are faster and in order for it to be fast, less people should carpool which beats the objective.
Since less people carpool there are tons of people crawling on the other lanes and thereby waiting more on the road and causing more damage to the environment. After 7pm, the time when usually carpool restriction is taken off, traffic starts moving faster. Its quite amazing that "opening up" a single lane, can smoother traffic beautifully.
Not to mention that carpool usually also consists of lot of people going only with kids(picking them after school usu). Even if carpools werent there, kids wont drive by themselves. Carpools should atleast be "valid" only if the vehicle has 2+ adults or better 2+ license holders(which is difficult to check for, but can be ticketed heavily for ppl to avoid cheating). This will cause even less people to carpool, so it will become very obvious for it be totally removed.
So what exactly is the purpose of carpool lanes other than to cause as much inconvenience as possible to the drivers?